From now on, students are not going to transfer their weekly earnings on Friday. Instead, students will not be able to transfer their money until Monday morning ONCE THEIR CHECK LEGDER HAS BEEN SIGNED. If the students do not bring it back signed, they will not receive their money from the previous week. Monday will be the only day to bring in the signed ledger for their earnings-if they bring it in on Tuesday, they will not be receiving their money. Of course, there will be exceptions for absent students-they must bring it in signed the day after they return.
Another note: Many parents have been sending notes or emails saying their student forgot to either bring home the ledger, or forgot it at home. In the past I have accepted this as a signature, but moving forward, I will not. The students know that bringing it home and remembering to bring it back to school are apart of their responsibilities as well!
I appreciate you all for supporting your students in becoming responsible little leaders! Please email with any questions or concerns. =)